Friday, November 7, 2008

FB's Dilemmas

Being a user of the Facebook or FB in short, I am the minority who liked the new changes in the layout. The changes in Facebook had caused a stir on the audiences according to Facebook makeover leaves some devotees fuming article (Australian IT 2008). Although the change was said to make Facebook better, many users thinks that it is bad.

The new layout did applied some principles and theories. Framing which helps ‘to connect and disconnect elements, signifying that they belong or do not belong to each other in some sense’ (Kress and van Leeuwen 2006) can be seen where Facebook was compartmentalized into mini-applications and static information.

In designing for a web, good eye flow is important as ‘good design is based on eye flow’ (Duff and Mohler 1996). F-shaped pattern is used in the webpage to make it more scannable and readable (Nielsen 2006).

F-shaped pattern

Nielsen’s guideline (2000) is followed by Facebook where ‘short paragraphs, subheadings, and bulleted list [and] hypertext [are used] to split up long information into multiple pages.’

Facebook also applied a multicolumn layout to ‘make the best possible use of available space’ (Parker 2003).

Facebook new layout

While creating the web, it must take into account the
1. Interface design – ‘familiar realms of button, fields, and other interface’;

2. Navigation design – ‘specialized form of interface design tailored to presenting information space’; and

3. Information design – ‘presenting information to create effective communication’
(Garrett 2003)

Facebook did not take into account all the 3 elements.

There is a dilemma present whereby Facebook said that it changed for a good cause but then the users dislike it. Here, users’ acceptance is more important as ‘good navigation cannot correct bad information design’ (Garrett 2003, p.115). Users do not like the way the information is presented. Schriver (1997) already said that creating design must ‘focus on how readers interact with [the] documents’. Facebook is unable to cater to all users, some like it and some don’t. So, should it stick to the new design? I personally like it.

Australian IT 2008, Facebook makeover leaves some devotees fuming, media release 11 September 2008, viewed 6 November 2008 <,24897,24328928-15318,00.html>.

Duff, JM & Mohler, JL 1996,
Designing Interactive Web Sites, Thomson Learning, New York

Garrett, JJ 2003, Elements Of User Experience : User-centred Design For The Web, American Institute of Graphic Arts, New York

Kress, G & Van Leeuwen, T 2006, Reading Images, Routledge, New York

Nielsen, J 2000, Designing Web Usability, New Riders, Indianapolis

Nielsen, J 2006, F-Shaped Pattern for Reading Web Content, viewed 6 November 2008 <>.

Parker, RC 2003, Looking Good in Print, 5th ed. Paraglyph Press, Scottsdale

Schriver, KA 1997, Dynamics in document design: creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub., New York

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